

asyncio(body, *, client)

Response depends on which command was submitted, so unfortunately the OpenAPI schema can't generate the right response type.

asyncio_detailed(body, *, client)


Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

sync(body, *, client)

Response depends on which command was submitted, so unfortunately the OpenAPI schema can't generate the right response type.

sync_detailed(body, *, client)


Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.modeling.cmd._build_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.modeling.cmd._get_kwargs(body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Dict[str, Any]

kittycad.api.modeling.cmd._parse_response(*, response)[source][source]
Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.modeling.cmd.asyncio(body, *, client)[source][source]

Response depends on which command was submitted, so unfortunately the OpenAPI schema can’t generate the right response type.

Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

async kittycad.api.modeling.cmd.asyncio_detailed(body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]

kittycad.api.modeling.cmd.sync(body, *, client)[source][source]

Response depends on which command was submitted, so unfortunately the OpenAPI schema can’t generate the right response type.

Return type:

Union[dict, Error, None]

kittycad.api.modeling.cmd.sync_detailed(body, *, client)[source][source]
Return type:

Response[Union[dict, Error, None]]